More evidence that Minneapolis DFL (Democratic Party) is anti-public housing & pro developers pushing Trump and Carson’s Housing agenda:

The Minneapolis DFL has shared a Star Tribune article promoting MPHA’s privatization agenda. MPHA, with the support of Jacob Frey & Lisa Bender, have applied to HUD’s Section 18 Demolition & Disposition program using new rules created by HUD Secretary Ben Carson that make it easier to apply to this voluntary program to privatize public housing. This has never happened in the history of Minneapolis public housing since its birth after WWII.
One of the people who liked their post sharing this article was a man named Kent Mortimer. Why does this matter?

An ally from Twin Cities Musicians Against Gentrification forwarded us this person’s information, as he is a musician in Minneapolis. But aside from being a musician, Kent Mortimer is the Director of Compliance at Thies & Talle, one of the largest owners of subsidized tax credit affordable housing properties in Minnesota. This is exactly the type of company that hopes to take over public housing if the Minneapolis DFL allows MPHA to privatize our homes.

But it goes even deeper: this company is owned by Kenneth Talle, who is the Father-in-law of MPHA Executive Director Greg Russ. Greg Russ is the man who said he wants to end public housing in Minneapolis. Greg Russ is also a Democrat who is close to Carson. Greg Russ’s wife Luara Russ is the Vice President of Asset Management at Thies & Talle. In other words, Greg Russ’s family owns Thies & Talle, whose employees are publicly expressing support for MPHA’s privatization agenda.

An anonymous public housing resident wrote a letter to us, the Star Tribune, Mayor Jacob Frey, and the Minneapolis City Council alerting the public of this massive conflict of interest last year. We will post a link about this letter in the comments below.
When we complained about this, the DFL completely ignored us. But now we have clear evidence linking together the Minneapolis DFL, MPHA, and Greg Russ’s family company in the privatization of public housing for profit.

#KeepPublicHousingPublic #BuildMorePublicHousing #NotoRAD#SayNoToSection18Disposition #DefendElliotTwins #StopFrey #StopRuss#SayNoToGentrification #StopPrivatization #DGPHC