MPHA presented their MTW 2020 Annual Plan for public review and comments. Defend Glendale Public Housing Coalition in partnership with Keep Public Housing Public Minneapolis Coalition wrote a 30-page report/comments with recommendations that outlines step by step how MPHA and the City of Minneapolis have been pushing to dismantle public housing since the hiring of Greg Russ in 2017. We sent this report to our elected officials from Congress, City Hall, State, County, and to MPHA to let them know we oppose the privatization and the dismantling of public housing which will destroy Black and Brown communities of Minneapolis. The ending of public housing is a first in the history of Minneapolis because President Trump and Secretary Carson have gutted protections for vulnerable public housing residents through HUD programs called Section 18 Disposition and Demolition and RAD which are all voluntary programs, Mayor Jacob Frey, Council Member Lisa Bender, and Abdi Warsame and Cam Gordon lobbied for and approved. It is fact that MPHA and the City of Minneapolis have plenty of funds and resources to keep public housing public as it has been for years, but they are taking advantage of this opportunity from Carson and Trump to end public housing even though MPHA continues to receive a 45% increase in their capital and repair budget with a surplus. In addition, Minneapolis Public Housing properties are one of the best in the nation with a score of 98/100 from HUD inspections. If MPHA and the City of Minneapolis succeed in privatizing and ending public housing, this will follow Minneapolis for decades to come.
Read the full report here:
Here is MPHA’s 2020 MTW Annual Plan:
Public comments regarding MPHA’s 2020 MTW Annual Plan