To: MPHA Board of Commissioners, Mayor Frey, and Minneapolis City Council

We are demanding that MPHA & the City of Minneapolis halt all evictions for Public Housing residents, Section 8 & PBRA Voucher holders. We also ask that MPHA creates a protocol for households who have lost income due to Covid-19, & house all the houseless members of our community NOW. Public Housing Authorities all over the country have announced moratoriums on evictions, and while HUD should be announcing details for a national moratorium soon, it is still unclear whether or not that will protect Section 8 residents and PBRA Voucher Holders. MPHA is the largest public housing authority in the state, & it is also one of the largest evicters in the city. Despite the pandemic, MPHA employees have continued to harass public housing residents for new lease signages. They will not protect the residents on their own. That is why the City of Minneapolis needs to protect all residents of income-based housing immediately. Among us are some of the most vulnerable to Covid-19; poor and disabled residents who cannot afford an eviction. MPHA must halt all evictions NOW.

Finally, the City of Minneapolis must house all the houseless members of our community immediately. Aside from the many vacant homes and apartments operated by MPHA, our city is full of vacant homes, apartments, & condos- many of which were developed using gov. subsidies. Give them up! There are vacant units right now that were developed using the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). There are people right now that are at risk of contracting a dangerous virus due to experiencing houselessness. Give them up. House the houseless in your city Jacob Frey! A public health crisis like the one we are currently experiencing is not only fixed through individual efforts. It requires collectivism & care for all in our community. Those of us who have homes cannot just stay inside, we have to make sure everyone has a home to go inside to. Call your city councilor, Mayor Jacob Frey, MPHA, and demand a stop to evictions, an immediate and urgent protocol to aid families who’ve lost employment and income, and housing for the houseless. We need these securities, and we need them today.