MPHA please answer the following questions:
- MPHA, why are you not answering phone calls from Section 8 Voucher holders when they want to report loss of income due to COVID19?
- Why is it that you do not have phone numbers on your website for residents to report their loss of income?
- Why are you requiring residents to submit all of their income changes in only English and online?
- You are well aware that the majority of public housing residents and Section 8 Voucher holders do not have access to home computers, many are disabled, and almost half of the population does not speak English as their first language.
- Why do you refuse to cancel rents and fully fund Section 8 vouchers knowing private landlords continue to increase rents?
- Why do you continue to violate the civil rights of public housing and Section 8 residents?
- Why are Section 8 voucher holders calling DG&PHC to figure out what to do and how to contact you because they cannot afford to pay their rents?