Minneapolis Council Member Lisa Goodman Sends Another Racist Email about Sec. 8 Voucher holders

We launched a letter campaign to elected officials demanding MPHA cancel rents, fully fund Section 8 vouchers & deep clean properties, etc. Here is Minneapolis Council Member Lisa Goodman’s deeply racist response to our demands.

First of all, what she said is totally untrue.
1. Most Section 8 residents DO WORK & don’t rely on public assistance. This is some racist, anti-Black Reaganite rhetoric.
2. Households may have up to 3 jobs. Yet that isn’t enough to pay the exorbitant expenses of Section 8.
3. The idea that rent is automatically reduced for Section 8 residents who have lost income is not only laughable but demonstrates how little CM Goodman understands about it.

This is the epitome of Racist Neoliberalism. Is this what CM Goodman thinks of her residents? These are the elected officials of our city that work to displace poor Black & Brown folk. The same people who ignore our calls to action yet campaign about the need for ” affordable housing.” 

Let’s be clear, this is a common and deliberate racist policy platform in Minneapolis.

A screenshot of the demands from the letter campaign that was emailed out to elected officials
Council Member Lisa Goodman’s response