Excerpt from report linked above, stating Glendale’s suitability for historic designation:
On March 3, 2020, the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission approved the local designation of the Glendale Town Houses Historic District based on three findings:
1. The historic district maintains its integrity of location and setting with an intact landscape pattern inclusive of its street and sidewalk layout.
2. The district is significant for its development pattern inclusive of its greenspace vs. hardscape and its relationship to the building forms.
3. The buildings are uniform in their brick veneer exteriors, fenestration pattern, entryway placement and overall massing, which are the character defining features of the buildings in this historic district. These findings support local designation under Designation Criterion 5 for exemplifying a landscape pattern distinguished by innovation, rareness, uniqueness, and quality of design. While the findings appropriately highlight the property’s landscape and aesthetic characteristics, additional areas of significance and other factors should be considered as well.
From Charlene Roise, Glendale Town Houses: Considerations for Local Historic Designation, complete report linked above.
In response to MHPA and the State Historic Preservation Office disregarding Roise’s findings that Glendale should be considered for historic designation, Roise writes to city Council Member Cam Gordon and explains why Glendale deserves this designation. Click link above to read.
Original 2015 National Register report identifying Glendale Townhomes as a site for historic designation. Clink link above to read.