Council Members Cam Gordon & Abdi Warsame’s one-day listening session violates City’s Core Principles of Community Engagement

Council Members Cam Gordon (Chair of the Housing Policy & Development Committee) and Abdi Warsame (Chair of the Ways & Means Committee) posted a one-day listening session regarding the MOU they will sign with MPHA that will end public housing as we know it without notifying public housing residents that will be directly impacted by this decision.

This MOU will evict thousands of residents in the coming years.

CM Gordon and CM Warsame also decided to hold this one-day session at non-public housing building.

The majority of public housing residents are seniors, people with disabilities and children who don’t have access to computers or speak English, so they have no idea about this MOU. 
According to City and MPHA’s community engagement policies and procedures, public housing residents, just like the rest of the public, are notified in writing a month prior regarding such meetings in multiple languages so they can participate.

Now public housing residents and the people of Minneapolis will not able to participate in this decision that will end public housing and change the future of Minneapolis. This decision is in line with Trump and Carson’s housing agenda.

By intentionally excluding public housing residents and refusing to hold citywide meetings at different times and locations so working families can attend, the City of Minneapolis, CM Gordon, and CM Warsame are violating the City’s Core Principles of Community Engagement.

1. Right to be involved – Public participation is based on the belief that those who are affected by a decision have a right to be involved in the decision-making process.

2. Contribution will be thoughtfully considered – Public participation includes the promise that the public’s contribution will be thoughtfully considered.

3. Recognize the needs of all – Public participation promotes sustainable decisions by recognizing and communicating the needs and interests of all participants, including decision-makers.

4. Seek out involvement – Public participation seeks out and facilitates the involvement of those potentially affected by or interested in a decision.

5.Participants design participation – Public participation seeks input from participants in designing how they participate.

6.Adequate information – Public participation provides participants with the information they need to participate in a meaningful way.

7. Known effect of participation – Public participation communicates to participants how their input affected the decision.

Copyright IAP2. All rights reserved. Adopted by Minneapolis City Council, December 2007

Urgent Action! Contact Elected Officials to demand citywide listening sessions for “Memorandum of Understanding”

Urgent Action!

Contact the City of Minneapolis and your state representatives (see contact info in the comments) to demand that the City hold citywide listening sessions for public housing residents and the people of Minneapolis to comment on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) the City wants to sign with MPHA to privatize and dismantle public housing forever!

Dear allies, demand that the City of Minneapolis do the following:

1) Hold at least 4 to 5 citywide listening sessions for public housing residents and the people of Minneapolis about the MOU. 
2) Notify every public housing resident by mail and in multiple languages about the listening session times, dates and locations. Provide at least 2 to 3 weeks notice. 
3)Hold the listening sessions from 6 to 8 pm at the Brian Coyle Community Center, Horn Towers, Glendale Townhomes, Spring Manor and the Cora McCorvey Health and Wellness Center so that public housing residents are able to attend. 
4) After the listening sessions are complete, provide a 30 day comment period. 
5) Hold a public hearing at City Hall before the vote at a time everyone can attend.

On April 11, 2019, Council Member Cam Gordon announced on Facebook and by email to a few people that he and Council Member Abdi Warsame will hold one listening session at Matthews Park on Wednesday, April 17th from 7-9 pm about the MOU the City of Minneapolis and the MPHA plan to sign regarding the financial support MPHA will receive from the City for privatizing and dismantling public housing. The City Council will then vote to approve the MOU on Friday, April 19, 2019.

Neither the City nor MPHA notified any of the thousands of public housing residents who are at risk of displacement and homelessness about this MOU. In failing to do so the City violated its own Core Principles of Community Engagement. Holding only one meeting and voting two days later to approve the MOU is unacceptable and violates any transparent democracy and governance.

The MOU and the meeting at Matthews Park are not designed to involve public housing residents or to protect public housing, but rather to convince non-public housing residents that MPHA’s privatization scheme is not what it seems. The MOU misleadingly implies that transferring ownership of public housing from MPHA to an unaccountable private non-profit and companies such as the one MPHA Executive Director Greg Russ’s family owns does not constitute privatization. It also repeats the lie that privatization is necessary when MPHA has a surplus of over $23 million and ample funding sources to keep public housing public. Furthermore, the MOU offers no meaningful protections to residents.

The MOU helps MPHA force through its plans to privatize all Minneapolis public housing through Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) and Section 18 Demolition & Disposition, against the will of residents. The City and MPHA are taking advantage of Trump’s pro-privatization agenda to gentrify Minneapolis. Trump and Carson’s HUD recently gutted resident protections for Section 18 and is failing to properly monitor the RAD program. Privatization will displace 12,000 of our city’s most vulnerable residents and rob over 40,000 people on MPHA’s waitlist of the chance to access housing they can afford.

Contact your City and State elected officials to demand citywide listening sessions for public housing residents and the people of Minneapolis to learn about this MOU. MPHA cannot interfere with this process or intimidate public housing residents. The future of our city is at stake.

Link to the contact info sheet:

#KeepPublicHousingPublic #BuildMorePublicHousing #PHIMBY #NotoRAD#DefendElliotTwins #StopFrey #StopRuss #SayNoToGentrification#StopPrivatization #DGPHC

MN Daily Editors Remove Resident Voices after being bullied by MPHA

Minnesota Daily editors removed resident voices from Aleezeh Hasan‘s article the day after it was published because MPHA complained about resident and leaders’ voices being heard. As a result, editors intentionally reported inaccuracies to push MPHA and Minneapolis elected officials’ narrative to normalize MPHA’s privatization and displacement plan through RAD at Elliot Twins.This plan is in line with Trump and Carson’s housing agenda. The reporter Aleezah Hasan told the truth and the real experiences of residents who are facing eviction but that made MN Daily editors too uncomfortable since they are not POC and don’t want to understand what the residents are going through. They related to MPHA more than the residents. In addition, even though the editors verified that the elected officials DG&PHC invited to the meeting did not show up, the editors also removed that fact to bend to the wishes of the DFL and local politicians. This is not journalism. MN Daily consistently silences POC voice and have no integrity in our communities.

#KeepPublicHousingPublic #BuildMorePublicHousing #NotoRAD#DefendElliotTwins #SayNoToSection18Disposition #StopFrey #StopRuss#SayNoToGentrification #StopPrivatization #DGPHC

Evidence that the Minneapolis DFL is anti-public housing

More evidence that Minneapolis DFL (Democratic Party) is anti-public housing & pro developers pushing Trump and Carson’s Housing agenda:

The Minneapolis DFL has shared a Star Tribune article promoting MPHA’s privatization agenda. MPHA, with the support of Jacob Frey & Lisa Bender, have applied to HUD’s Section 18 Demolition & Disposition program using new rules created by HUD Secretary Ben Carson that make it easier to apply to this voluntary program to privatize public housing. This has never happened in the history of Minneapolis public housing since its birth after WWII.

One of the people who liked their post sharing this article was a man named Kent Mortimer. Why does this matter?

An ally from Twin Cities Musicians Against Gentrification forwarded us this person’s information, as he is a musician in Minneapolis. But aside from being a musician, Kent Mortimer is the Director of Compliance at Thies & Talle, one of the largest owners of subsidized tax credit affordable housing properties in Minnesota. This is exactly the type of company that hopes to take over public housing if the Minneapolis DFL allows MPHA to privatize our homes.

But it goes even deeper: this company is owned by Kenneth Talle, who is the Father-in-law of MPHA Executive Director Greg Russ. Greg Russ is the man who said he wants to end public housing in Minneapolis. Greg Russ is also a Democrat who is close to Carson. Greg Russ’s wife Luara Russ is the Vice President of Asset Management at Thies & Talle. In other words, Greg Russ’s family owns Thies & Talle, whose employees are publicly expressing support for MPHA’s privatization agenda.

An anonymous public housing resident wrote a letter to us, the Star Tribune, Mayor Jacob Frey, and the Minneapolis City Council alerting the public of this massive conflict of interest last year. We will post a link about this letter in the comments below. 
When we complained about this, the DFL completely ignored us. But now we have clear evidence linking together the Minneapolis DFL, MPHA, and Greg Russ’s family company in the privatization of public housing for profit.

#KeepPublicHousingPublic #BuildMorePublicHousing #NotoRAD#SayNoToSection18Disposition #DefendElliotTwins #StopFrey #StopRuss#SayNoToGentrification #StopPrivatization #DGPHC

Minneapolis DFL has become the party of privatizing public housing

Minneapolis DFL (Democratic Party) has become the party of privatizing public housing and pushing Trump/Carson’s housing agenda.
Check out DFL Minneapolis post.

The Minneapolis Democratic Party ( DFL) decided to promote the dismantling of public housing and show their true colors by endorsing an article that is a PR campaign that promotes disposition and the demolition of over 730 single family public housing homes in Minneapolis through a HUD voluntary program called Section 18 Disposition & Demolition.

link to this post here:

For the first time in the history of public housing in Minneapolis, this plan is approved by Trump and Carson, Mayor Jacob Frey and Lisa Bender. Again this is a voluntary program that allows public housing single-family homes to be turned over to private developers and corporations through a non-profit corporation that is controlled 99.9% by private developers that are gentrifying Minneapolis and destroying Black and Brown communities. This fits perfectly into 2040 Comp. Plan by Bender and Frey. Is this why CM Abdi Warsame, Hennepin County Commissioner Angela Conley, and Reprsentative Hodan Hasan and Mohamud Noor decided not to show up to meet with senior and disabled residents who will be evicted from Elliot Twins and face homelessness from Nov.2019 to Jan.2020? Allies call out the DFL for supporting Developers and Trump Carson’s housing agenda. They should not get away with this.


This is what Minneapolis progressivism looks like

Today Friday, April 5th, from 5 to 7 pm Elliot Twins elders/seniors and residents with disabilities invited City Council Member Abdi Warsame, State Representatives Hodan Hassan, Mohamud Noor, and Hennepin County Commissioner Angela Conley to help them see the homelessness and the crisis residents are about to face through MPHA’s RAD eviction plans where residents will be evicted from Nov 2019 to Jan 2020. They were all no shows. At least Hodan Hassan may reschedule. The rest didn’t bother to reach out. This is what Minneapolis progressives looks like.

Call To Action

Stop the Elliot Twins RAD Evictions!

Defend Glendale and Public Housing Coalition (DG&PHC) recently received a leaked copy of the Elliot Twins’s RAD Eviction Plan ( that MPHA calls “Elliot Twins’ (Project Site) Resident Relocation Plan” for the planned Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) privatization and conversion that will transfer ownership of the buildings from the public to private developers. To call this a relocation plan is absurd. This is not a plan. It is a plot to evict residents and place them in the streets. In this eviction plan for RAD conversion, MPHA outlines clearly step by step how they will evict the vulnerable, disabled and seniors/elderly residents of Elliot Twins.

Contact your elected officials and tell them this eviction plan is unacceptable and dangerous! You can find a list of contact information at the bottom of this email. Tell our elected officials including your Congress representative to pause this RAD application until Congress investigates. MPHA is asking residents to move in with friends and family when they evict them out of Elliot Twins.

For DG&PHC’s full analysis of MPHA’s eviction plan please see: http://mphas-rad-eviction-plan-for-elliot-twins-leaked

Also see this video: where Mary Boler, one of the directors of MPHA, lies to residents by saying they will not have to move out of Elliot Twins during the RAD conversion and that residents will be moved within the two buildings. Yet, MPHA’s RAD Eviction Plan will force residents out.

MPHA’s Eviction “Options” that is outlined in their plan:

Eviction Option 1 (page 7): Residents may temporarily relocate to a “hotel unit” within Elliot Twins during construction.

  • This option is a lie. If MPHA had enough units for residents to move into temporarily they would not need six other eviction options. Residents will simply be forced to choose one of the other “options” which directly lead to homelessness. MPHA is giving everyone 90-day notice from November 2019 to January 2020 to move all at one time according to another leaked timeline:

Eviction Option 2 (page 7): Residents may “Temporarily relocate to a friend or family’s home during construction.”

  • Having no choice but to live at a friend or family’s house is homelessness. This is direct evidence that RAD causes homelessness and is an absolutely unacceptable “option.”

Eviction Option 3 (pages 7 to 8): Residents may “permanently relocate to a fully renovated unit at Elliot Twins Project Site.”

  • MPHA says they will “seek to accommodate residents with this preference to the maximum extent feasible,” meaning there is no guarantee that this option is even possible.  
  • This option is predicated on there being fully renovated units available for the resident to move into, due to construction timing and other residents moving back in this option seems false and may only be possible if other residents are permanently evicted.
  • Nowhere in their plan does MPHA mention residents have guaranteed rights to return to Elliot Twins which is what they have been preaching for the last year and a half to sell RAD plans to the public and politicians.

Eviction Option 4 (page 8): Residents may “temporarily relocate to another MPHA project during construction, and return to Elliot Twins Project Site after construction is complete.”

  • MPHA themselves admit that this option may not be available, which puts residents at risk of being homeless. This “option” is not an option at all.

Eviction Option 5 (page 9): Residents may “permanently relocate to another MPHA project during construction.”  

  • MPHA says they will make this option available to the“greatest extent feasible.” As in Option 4, this means this is not a guaranteed option and therefore, is not an option at all. Further, MPHA says some residents may be evicted a second time when the public housing building residents move to undergoes future RAD privatization.

Eviction Option 6 (pages 9 to 10): Residents may “temporarily relocate off-site using an MPHA-issued federal housing choice “mobile” voucher or project-based (“in place”) Section 8 voucher during construction, with the option of returning to Project Site after the construction is complete.”

Eviction Option 7 (pages 10 to 11): Residents may “Permanently relocate using an MPHA-issued federal housing choice “mobile” voucher or project-based “in place” Section 8 voucher during construction, and remain within that program after Project Site’s construction is complete.”

  • This will not work for the same reasons as Option 6, and also, this option requires residents to permanently move away from Elliot Twins. It is therefore not an option for residents who do not want to leave Elliot Twins.
  • Page 12 also acknowledges that residents using Section 8 vouchers may have to pay utilities at their new site, which is a rent increase for residents that those on limited incomes cannot afford. This means that in the unlikely event that a resident is able to attain Section 8 housing they will face eviction again when they are unable to pay the increased utilities.

Additional problems with MPHA’s eviction plan:

  • Residents can expect to face multiple evictions from Section 8 housing, which will be a severe burden on them, especially the elderly and/or disabled. (page 12)
  • MPHA will offer residents a replacement unit at Elliot Twins after construction, but it is not clear what will happen if the resident finds the replacement unit unacceptable. They will not be able to move back. (page 16)
  • MPHA admits that some residents will be forced to move over 50 miles away from Elliot Twins, which is not what they claimed previously when they said residents could stay in their building or neighborhood. Having to move 50 miles away is displacement and gentrification and is unacceptable. (page 17)
  • MPHA fails to mention that private Section 8 landlords can raise rents and utilities, while HUD’s subsidy is capped at a certain level. This places residents at risk of eviction. (page 18)
  • MPHA fails to disclose that they will not own the RAD-converted properties. Their “wholly owned non-profit” is an unknown and unaccountable entity that will only own 0.01% of the building, with the rest being owned by private investors. (page 19)
  • Once Elliot Twins are converted through RAD to private ownership, the leases and policies governing them will be subject to change. MPHA is only required to notify residents of these changes, not to incorporate resident feedback in any way. Residents will have no say over what happens to the buildings. (page 19)
  • MPHA will hold open houses to show renovated units to residents, but will only give them three days after the open houses to notify MPHA that they want to return. MPHA will then offer a specific unit and will require residents to respond in only one day. It is unclear how residents will be informed of the open houses or how they will be expected to respond to MPHA. This will be hard for residents who do not speak English and/or those who do not have permanent addresses to receive mail at due to being displaced by RAD. Residents could easily miss this window and lose their chance to return to Elliot Twins. (page 21)
  • MPHA does not have a plan for how to contact residents who are displaced during construction and do not have permanent addresses to receive mail informing them of changes at any point in this process. (page 23)

MPHA is proceeding with its plan to privatize Elliot Twins despite the fact that residents never approved of RAD. The draft relocation plan is a plan to evict residents who do not want to – and in many cases are physically unable to – move out of their homes. MPHA is forcing tenants to move out and providing no legally enforceable guarantee that they will find suitable replacement housing, or that they will be able to return to Elliot Twins after renovations. MPHA is making these eviction plans without having an actual construction plan or financing lined up for renovations. Their priority is evicting tenants.

We need a Congressional investigation into MPHA’s activities surrounding RAD privatization of Elliot Twins and the risk that RAD is posing to residents’ ability to have safe and affordable housing. These plans will put hundreds of low-income, elderly and/or disabled residents at risk of homelessness in a city that is already experiencing a homelessness crisis. HUD is currently controlled by Donald Trump and Ben Carson, and we cannot rely on them to enforce resident protections or oversee MPHA’s privatization and eviction plans. We need our elected officials to step up and say NO to privatization, NO to RAD, and NO to forced evictions!

Call, email, and tweet at your elected officials and tell them to pause MPHA’s RAD activities until there is a full investigation by Congress.

Here is the contact information you will need:

Name Phone Email Twitter
Susan Wilson: Director of Urban Revitalization (202) 402-4500  
Rep Ilhan Omar   MN: (612) 333-1272 DC: (202) 225-4755   @IlhanMN
Governor Tim Walz (651) 201-3400   @Tim_Walz
Attorney General Keith Ellison  (651) 296-3353 @keithellison
State Rep Hodan Hassan (651) 296-0294 @hodan4house
State Rep Mohamed Noor (651) 296-4257   
Mayor Jacob Frey (612) 673-2100 @Jacob_Frey
CM Lisa Bender (612) 673-2210 @lisabendermpls
CM Abdi Warsame (612) 673-2206 @AbdiYWarsame
CM Cam Gordon (612) 673-2202 @CameronAGordon
CM Andrea Jenkins (612) 673-2208  @annapoetic
CM Kevin Reich (612) 673-2201 @KevinReich4NE
CM Steve Fletcher (612) 673-2203 @FletcherMpls
CM Phillipe Cunningham (612) 673-2204 @CunninghamMPLS
CM Jeremiah Ellison (612) 673-2205 @jeremiah4north
CM Lisa Goodman (612) 673-2207 @cmlisagoodman
CM Linea Palmisano (612) 673-2213 @LineaPalmisano
CM Jeremy Schroeder (612) 673-2211 @jeremyschroeder
CM Alondra Cano (612) 673-2209 @AloCanoMN
CM Andrew Johnson (612) 673-2212 @Andrew4Mpls
Commissioner Angela Conley (612) 348-7884 @D4Commish

MPHA’s RAD Eviction Plan for Elliot Twins Leaked

  1. Introduction  

Defend Glendale and Public Housing Coalition (DG&PHC) recently received a leaked draft copy of Elliot Twins’s RAD Eviction Plan ( that MPHA calls “Elliot Twins’s (Project Site) Resident Relocation Plan” for the planned Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) privatization and conversion. This plan that recently leaked will transfer ownership of the Elliot Twins apartments from the public to the hands of private developers. To call this a relocation plan is absurd. This is not a plan. It is a plot to evict residents and place them in the streets. MPHA did not share this document with residents of Elliot Twins. But they shared it with their consultants and their resident council that is controlled by MPHA and does not speak for the Elliot Twins residents. Elliot residents have already stated that the resident council does not speak for them. It is illegal for MPHA to control the Resident Council in this way. For more information on this see this complaint by Elliot residents on the bottom of page one: ( This letter was sent to HUD in August 2018 and is still being ignored by HUD and MPHA.

In this eviction plan for the  RAD conversion, MPHA outlines clearly step by step how they will evict the vulnerable, disabled and seniors/elderly residents of Elliot Twins. In this report, we will unpack these steps that will lead residents to homelessness. We want to emphasize that Defend Glendale & Public Housing Coalition is simply sharing and explaining MPHA’s own words here.

II.  MPHA’s Contradictions   

  1. MPHA lies on this video    

Before we unpack MPHA’s steps to eviction, we want to mention that Mary Boler, one of the directors of MPHA, lies to residents in this video and says residents will not have to move out of Elliot Twins during the RAD conversion and that residents will be moved within the two buildings. This video was taken on August 8th, 2018 during one of MPHA’s illegitimate resident information meetings on RAD at Elliot Twins, Mary Boler also continues to lie in this video and says RAD will take place two years from 2018. But according to MPHA’s draft copy of Elliot Twins’s RAD Eviction Plan which MPHA calls “Elliot Twins’s (Project Site) Resident Relocation Plan,” residents will be moved out with no guarantee to come back to Elliot Twins. In addition, Mary Boler lies to residents knowing residents will face evictions soon because MPHA already started RAD’s eviction plans in less than a year as explained below.

  1. Inconsistent timeline for evictions  

On page 2 of the plan, first, MPHA left out how much this plan will cost which means MPHA does not have a financial plan to fund the RAD privatization of Elliot Twins. Second, MPHA does not state how long it will take for each building to be converted to RAD. But yet, MPHA wants to evict seniors/elders and residents with disabilities as soon as possible. Previously, MPHA has shared its timeline for eviction with the Resident Council only, which leaked. This is a council that no one at the Elliots respects or recognizes because it is a tool of MPHA and it not democratic. As of now, just like this eviction plan, MPHA failed to notify the entire population of Elliot Twins about the timeline and the eviction plan. Just to be clear the timeline and eviction plan are two different documents that leaked and contradict each other. MPHA has not notified anyone about these documents except the few handpicked resident council members they are working with to push this plan. According to MPHA’s timeline (, the 90-day eviction notices will start in November 2019 which means residents have until January of 2020 to move out. This again contradicts Mary Boler’s statement says the planning will start two years from 2018. But in their eviction plan, MPHA does not provide a timeline for eviction. They leave it blank. What are they doing?  

C.  No financial plan

MPHA has written an eviction plan before meeting the RAD conditions laid out in the CHAP Letter ( This is a conditional approval letter by HUD for MPHA to proceed with the planning for RAD if they meet certain conditions. This application can be canceled if certain conditions are not met. One of these conditions states that MPHA must submit a financial plan to HUD within 180 days (p. 95: MPHA has until July 31st, 2019 to submit the financial plan including the developers that will get the tax credits who will privatize and take over Elliot Twins for free. MPHA is moving forward with evictions, or as they call it their “relocation plan,” before they even know if their conversion is financially feasible. The public has been requesting financial plans from MPHA through the Minnesota Data Practices Act requests. As of now, MPHA has failed to provide this document to the public. Either MPHA is hiding this financial plan, which is illegal because it is public data, or they do not have a plan, and they want to evict residents as soon as possible to empty the buildings then put together the financial plan which will be majority public funding such as tax credits, “affordable housing funds” to developers/investors who will take over the buildings.  MPHA knows these funds are very competitive so they would rather empty the buildings now and lobby for funds while there are thousands of severely low-income residents, many in shelters waiting for public housing, and the waitlist is between 5 to 7 years. The system is failing us, and neither the City, HUD nor MPHA are being held accountable.

III.  MPHA’s Steps to Eviction Options:   

  1. Accommodation: “No guarantee, maximum extent feasible”

On page 2 MPHA states that MPHA “recognize that some residents may wish to move to another MPHA property during the construction period and MPHA will “work to accommodate those requests to the maximum extent feasible.” This means MPHA does not have places for people to go. “Maximum extent feasible” means they will do their best, but they can’t make any promises and there is no guarantee for the right to return. In the next line, MPHA says that residents are “guaranteed the option to return to Elliot Twins.” Why, if residents are supposedly guaranteed the right to return has it suddenly become “optional” in their plan? A guarantee is a legal promise, an option is a choice. In 2017 and 2018, when MPHA was marketing RAD, they always used the term “Guaranteed Right to Return” and now they using words such as “optional” and “maximum extent feasible,” which means no real promises.      

B.  Pages 6-12 MPHA outlines eviction steps aka “options”
On pages 6 to 12 MPHA states, each resident will need to move “at least once.” It is a massive strain for elders and people with disabilities to move once, and MPHA is saying they may have to do this multiple times with no guarantee to return to their building.

According to MPHA, each resident will have to select one of seven eviction options that MPHA incorrectly calls “relocation options.” We will explain why these evictions will lead to homelessness and not relocation.  

1. Option 1 on page 7: MPHA says that residents will temporarily relocate to a “hotel unit” within Elliot Twins during construction.

  • Temporarily relocating to a “hotel unit” onsite requires that there be available units.
  • There are not enough units within the two buildings at Elliot Twins at 1225 South 8 Street and 1212 S. 9th Street, to move everyone into “hotel units” all at once because according to the timeline residents all have to move out in 90 days from November 2019 to January 2020. MPHA continues to say “residents may have to move to a smaller unit in this scenario.” They can store things off-site with MPHA but “will not have access to these things during the duration of construction.”
  • If MPHA had enough units within  Elliot Twins to move people into during RAD  privatization and renovation, they wouldn’t have to provide 6 more eviction options. MPHA does not have enough units to move people to within the two buildings. MPHA is misleading people by saying they can stay in the Elliot Twins when really residents will be evicted through these six eviction options by January of 2020.
  • According to MPHA’s timeline ( all 87 units in 1225 Elliot will receive an eviction notice at the same time. How will there be enough units for residents to move into when they are all “relocating” at the same time? This “option” is a blatant lie. MPHA will simply say to residents that there are no units available for this option and residents will be forced to choose one of the other eviction options.

2. Option 2 on page 7: “Temporarily relocate to a friend or family’s home during construction.”

  • After MPHA tells residents that there are not enough “hotel units,” residents will be told to move in with friends or family. Having no choice but to live at a friend or family’s house is homelessness. Point blank. This is direct evidence that RAD causes homelessness.
  • To call moving in with a friend or family a relocation option is offensive. Many residents will not have this option. Many may not have family or friends nearby and for those who do, this will be homelessness and pushes the costs of evictions onto severely low- income resident and their friends and/or family. Furthermore, MPHA states that if residents need to store their items (a reasonable expectation in this scenario), they will not be able to access them until after construction is complete.   

3. Option 3 on pages 7 to 8: MPHA says, residents will permanently relocate to a fully renovated unit at Elliot Twins Project Site.

  • MPHA is claiming that residents will have an option to move straight from their apartment to a fully renovated RAD unit and will never move out of Elliot Twins or go to a temporary “hotel unit” within the building.
  • Based on MPHA’s RAD timeline every resident will receive a 90-day notice in November and then construction will begin when they have all moved out. So how will residents move into a renovated unit starting November 2019 when they are planning to evict residents that same month?
  • MPHA says they will “seek to accommodate residents with this preference to the maximum extent feasible.” This means there is no guarantee that this option is even possible.
  • This option is predicated on there being fully renovated units available for the resident to move into. Due to construction timing and other residents moving back in this option seems false and may only be possible if other residents are permanently evicted.
  • This sounds like MPHA will hand select a few residents for this option who will remain in Elliot Twins during construction and move into a renovated RAD unit when construction is completed. The residents who do not get this option will not come back. This is a cover for MPHA so they can say later they kept some low-income residents after they evict the rest. Also, they may be making deals with few residents handpicked from the Elliot Twins Resident Council so they push MPHA’s plans in exchange for saving them for evictions.  

4. Option 4 on page 8: MPHA says “residents will temporarily relocate to another MPHA project during construction, and return to Elliot Twins Project Site after construction is complete.”

  • Here MPHA themselves admit that this option may not be available for residents where they state: “Since the MPHA cannot be sure of the location of available off-site units, it cannot guarantee that all households interested in moving to another MPHA property can be accommodated.” This means that MPHA can’t guarantee other units/apartments to relocate residents in other public housing buildings which puts residents at risk of being homeless. Again, another example of how RAD causes homelessness.   
  • Here MPHA says, “prior to making preference choices, the MPHA shall inform tenants of, among other things, any plan it has for relocating tenants at other properties pursuant to its (RAD) Rental Assistance Demonstration and /or disposition applications.”  This means residents who move to another MPHA building will be evicted again from that building due to further RAD conversions. Therefore in addition to Elliot Twins,  MPHA plans to evict more residents, and privatize more public housing buildings through RAD which leads to more homelessness.
  • MPHA also says, “The household will need to complete MPHA transfer application. The MPHA will not re-screen applications for transfer. MPHA may only deny an application for transfer (a) if they do not meet the eligibility requirements for the programs that apply to that site (exclusive of the resident selection criteria). And (b) where there is a pending eviction for a serious or repeated violation of a material term of the lease that has not been resolved by an agreement”.

The only guarantee MPHA is providing here is that residents cannot be denied an application due to resident selection criteria. However, they can be denied due to eligibility requirements which include having a social security card and having eligible citizen or eligible non-citizen status. This puts any residents with tentative immigration status at risk. Residents have no legal support to make sure their rights are being protected, and that they are not being discriminated against during this process. MPHA is a rogue agency that has no oversight from the City or HUD. MPHA will use “eligibility requirements” to discriminate against certain residents and deny their applications as they wish. There are no protections for residents. This is why we need a congressional investigation on the ways PHA’s are using RAD to evict and abuse residents.

5. Option 5 on page 9: “Permanently relocate to another MPHA project during construction.”  

  • MPHA says: “Some households may choose to permanently relocate off-sight to another MPHA property. To the greatest extent feasible, MPHA will make units available at other MPHA buildings for permanent relocation. Prior to making preference choices, the MPHA shall inform tenants of, among other things, any plan it has for relocating tenants at other properties pursuant to its (RAD)  Rental Assistance Demonstration and/or Disposition applications.”
  • This means that MPHA cannot guarantee that residents who want to move permanently to another public housing buildings will find a unit in that building.  In addition, if residents are lucky enough to find a spot (since the waitlist is 5 to 7 years) then they will be evicted again when MPHA privatizes the rest of its public housing buildings through RAD. Again, MPHA is saying that residents will be facing homelessness and will be evicted several times due to RAD.

6. Option 6 on pages 9 to 10: MPHA says residents may “temporarily relocate off-site using a MPHA-issued federal housing choice “mobile” voucher or project-based (“in place”) Section 8 voucher during construction, with the option of returning to Project Site after the construction is complete.” (The “Project Site” is Elliot Twins.) At the bottom of page 9 MPHA says: “To the greatest extent feasible, MPHA will assist households in identifying such units.” MPHA goes on to say on page 10: “Immediately upon the signing of this Agreement, MPHA will outreach to prospective landlords including non-profits and those who own or manage buildings near Elliot Twins, and then promptly make this information available to those Project Site residents seeking to relocate with MPHA _____ vouchers or to project-based Section 8 apartments.”

  • Before we dig deeper into this statement, let’s explain what Section 8 is and the difference between “Mobile Vouchers,” aka Section 8 Vouchers, and Project-Based Section 8. Section 8 is the common name for the federal Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. Section 8 voucher holders are (supposedly) able to rent-subsidized units outside of traditional public housing buildings in the private market. The local Public Housing Authority uses the voucher to pay the landlord a set, subsidized amount, and the voucher holder is then responsible for any payment to the landlord required to meet their rent.  (
  • There are two types of vouchers under Section 8, the Mobile or Tenant-Based Vouchers aka Section 8 Vouchers and Project-Based vouchers (PBVs).
    • Section 8 Vouchers (“mobile” vouchers) are given to the tenant and “follow the tenant” if they qualify under income guidelines. Meaning a Section 8 Voucher holder has to look for landlords that will accept Section 8 Vouchers and rent to them in the private market.
    • A Project-Based Voucher is attached to the building and it stays with the unit or the building. Project-Based Section 8 properties are owned by non-profit corporations or developers/investors that receive millions in tax credits and affordable housing funds subsidized by HUD, the IRS, the State and/or the City. Such developers include AEON, CommonBond, Sherman Associates, Project for Pride in Living and Theis & Tall Inc., which is owned by MPHA Executive Director Greg Russ’s father-in-law, Kenneth Talle. There are more of these companies all throughout the Twin Cities and the State.
  • Section 8 Vouchers (“Mobile” Tenant-Based Vouchers) do not work. Here’s why:
    • It is virtually impossible for a voucher holder to find a landlord willing to accept a Section 8 Voucher in Minneapolis. White landlords widely discriminate against Black and Brown voucher holders. MPHA knows this as they manage the Section 8 program. In a widely publicized event in 2018, the City of Minneapolis tried to pass an ordinance barring landlords from discriminating against Section 8 recipients, but landlords challenged the ordinance in court and the judge ruled in favor of the landlords only a month later. Read more about that here:
    • Private landlords are especially not renting to low-income seniors in the Elliot Park neighborhood, where Elliot Twins is located. Elliot Park is a part of downtown Minneapolis that is being heavily gentrified due to its central location and proximity to the new billion-dollar U.S. Bank/Vikings Stadium and HCMC Hospital.
    • Elderly and disabled residents are the majority on fixed social security income of $750 a month, and they pay $225 a month for rent at Elliot Twins. They will have difficulty finding housing at that rate with the appropriate accommodations and accessibility for them, due to a lack of availability and the high rents.  
    • Due to rampant Section 8 discrimination and lack of availability, residents will not be able to find a unit that accepts Section 8 in their Elliot Park neighborhood or anywhere in Minneapolis. This means they will be displaced far out into the suburbs – away from their family, friends, jobs, health care, and public transit. This will be especially hard on the many Elliot Twins residents who are elderly, disabled, and who do not speak English.
    • Even in the unlikely scenario that a resident is lucky enough to find a landlord who rents to voucher holders in Elliot Park, they will still be vulnerable to the whims of the landlord, who may choose to change the lease requirements or raise the rent. Section 8 Voucher holders do not have the same rights as public housing residents.
    • Section 8 housing is far less stable than public housing. Voucher holders often have to move every few years with short notices when landlords decide to flip their properties. The landlord can also evict residents for minor issues or create cases against vulnerable residents. This common behavior by private landlords causes residents to become homeless and forces them into shelters. For an example of the ways Section 8 Vouchers lead to homelessness see Section 8 Voucher holder Sarhooni’s story here:
    • If a resident does not find a unit within 3 months their voucher expires. Usually, this means an individual will return to the beginning of the long Section 8 waitlist. The average waitlist for Project-Based Section 8 properties owned by private developers and corporations is 5 years. Residents face homelessness as they wait for a Section 8 unit to open up.
  • Project-Based Vouchers are no better than “Mobile” or Tenant-Based Vouchers. MPHA’s HCV program waitlist is closed, and the last time it was opened was over ten years ago in June 2008 ( If the waitlist is closed, does that mean there are no PBV units available? If so, where are Elliot Twins residents supposed to go after being evicted?
  • Now that we have explained what Section 8 Vouchers are, we can summarize why MPHA’s Option 6  will lead to homelessness and not an acceptable option:
    • By relying on Section 8 Tenant-Based or Project-Based Vouchers, MPHA is relying on a program that does not work. Private landlords discriminate against voucher holders and against people of color and the elderly. Section 8 housing is unstable. Both types of voucher holders face long waitlists, which will lead to homelessness.
    • MPHA is not guaranteeing that they will help residents find Section 8 housing. They are only promising to help “to the extent feasible,” which is meaningless. An “option” that cannot be guaranteed is not a real option.
    • MPHA is also not guaranteeing that residents will be able to relocate within their Elliot Park neighborhood, because they know that is virtually impossible. Residents will be displaced far away from their homes and communities.
    • MPHA is asking residents to sign an agreement to be evicted without having any housing lined up for them. This is dangerous and irresponsible and will result in some residents becoming homeless.
    • MPHA is asking elderly and disabled residents to move out of their homes in the middle of winter with nowhere to go.
    • Here is the video again where  Mary Boler MPHA official lies to residents verbally guaranteeing residents will not have to move out of Elliot Twins during the RAD conversion. But now, MPHA is stating residents will have to move out and in Section 8 Project-Based apartments that an average of a 5-year waitlist.  

7. Option 7: “Permanently relocate using a MPHA-issued federal housing choice “mobile” voucher or project-based “in place” Section 8 voucher during construction, and remain within that program after Project Site’s construction is complete.”

  • This option will not work for the same reasons as Option 6, and also, in this case, requires residents to permanently move away from Elliot Twins. It is therefore not an option for residents who do not want to leave their home and their tight-knit community.
  • The top of page 12 also acknowledges that if residents are relocated using Section 8 vouchers they may have to pay utilities at their new site, which is effectively a rent increase for residents.  

C. Pages 12-24  MPHA’s misleading tactics and misinformation continues

Page 12: MPHA states that residents will be “solely responsible for paying any tenant-supplied utilities that may be required by a landlord of a Section 8 apartment or the Section-8 lease terms.” This amounts to a rent increase. Majority of the residents at Elliot Twins are on Social Security income of $750 a month. They cannot afford additional expenses. They pay 30% of their income at $225 a month for rent at the Elliots including utilities.   Private landlords will evict them for not being able to afford their Section 8 housing and forfeit their right to return to Elliot Twins when the utility bills add up and rents increase?

Page 12, MPHA states  “ If during the Project Site construction period

( aka RAD conversion ) a tenant who selected Option 6 receives a notice of lease termination ( eviction notice) from a landlord of a Section 8 apartment, and provides MPHA with a copy of  this notice, then MPHA shall assist the tenant with finding another suitable Section 8 apartment and  shall also immediately place the tenant on the waitlist for MPHA public housing .”

What MPHA is really saying is that MPHA  will first evict the resident from Elliot Twins due to RAD. If the evicted is lucky to find Section 8 apartment, and if that Section 8 landlord evicts the residents again mainly due to high rents and high utilities, then MPHA will help the evicted find a similar landlord that may evict the resident again for the same reasons. At the same time,  MPHA will put the twice evicted resident on a wait list for public housing properties whose stock is shrinking due to more RAD conversions that currently has a waitlist of 7 years. While the resident (s) are being evicted and wait for 7 years to get public housing, what will happen to them? How will vulnerable seniors facing serious health issues deal with this crisis? They will be homeless, couch hopping if they have the strength,  in a shelter if beds are available or on the street.

Congress needs to investigate how MPHA, Greg Russ and City of Minneapolis are using RAD to cause homelessness,  danger and destroy the lives of Minneapolis public housing resident.

Page 16: MPHA says they will notify residents when they have identified a “Comparable Replacement Dwelling,” and that they will allow “at least 5 business days for the tenant to make a decision as to those apartment(s).” What is not clear is what happens if the resident does not accept MPHA’s Comparable Replacement Dwellings. If MPHA does not present the resident with an acceptable Comparable Replacement Dwelling, what happens then? Resident will face homelessness.

Page 17: 8.3 Moving Related Costs and Payment Costs- MPHA Moves

MPHA says, “However for moves more than 50 miles from Elliot Twins, MPHA will pay the amount listed on the Standard Mileage Rates (IRS) Schedule or, on a case by case basis, may approve more than the amount listed on the Schedule”. MPHA originally said no one would move out of the Elliot Twins, then that no one would move out of the neighborhood. Yet here, MPHA is making provisions for moves 50 miles away from the Elliot Twins. Why would MPHA need to make this provision if they are not planning to evict public housing residents out of the City? If Elders and residents with disabilities are forced 50 miles outside of the City it will be deadly. Many residents only know the neighborhood surrounding the Elliots, and many more rely on public transit, the hospital,  and their social services that will not be accessible if they live far out in the suburbs or in other towns. This is more evidence that MPHA’s eviction plan is dangerous to the lives and wellbeing of residents.

Page 18:  A. Rental Assistance:  MPHA does not want to mention HUD has a cap on rent subsidies to pay private landlords in Project-Based Section 8 or Section 8 “ mobile Vouchers. MPHA purposely does not also mention that MPHA nor anyone else can stop landlords from increasing rents or utilities. According to HUD’s conditional RAD approval letter;, for a studio, HUD’s subsidy including the rent from the resident will be  $577, and HUD will pay zero dollars for utility allowance for water, heat, electricity to the landlord.  For one bedroom, HUD’s subsidy including the rent from the resident will be $715 for one bedroom, and HUD will pay zero dollars for utility allowance for water, heat, electricity to the landlord. A market rate studio rents on average for $1014 a month in Minneapolis, while an Elliot Twins resident can only afford to pay $225 for rent. The average market rate rent for a one bedroom is $1,300 in Minneapolis,

This is clear evidence that RAD increase rents which leads to homelessness and dangerous conditions for the most vulnerable and the poorest people of Minneapolis.

Page 19: MPHA states that they currently plan to “operate RAD PBV apartments at the Elliot Twins Project Site with the same protections as currently in place for federal public housing…” But then they say, “Any future changes to the lease and/or these policies will be subject to a public notification and comment period.” As seen with the public notification and comment period for the RAD application at Elliot, this means that MPHA can change their policy towards Elliot Twins at will. They are only required to notify residents of changes, not to incorporate resident feedback in any meaningful way. Section 8 Vouchers and Project Based have no protection and private landlords have more rights than tenants. Public housing tenants have more rights, safety, protection, and stability.

Page 19. 9: MPHA says that MPHA’s wholly owned non- profit corporation shall operate the apartments as RAD Project-Based Vouchers.  This is a lie because no one knows anything about this non-profit and MPHA will not release any records on this non-profit.  Here is a chart from MPHA that shows that they are planning to transfer 99.99% of public ownership to private owners: MPHA won’t own anything. MPHA will cease to exist as a public agency. MPHA’s ‘wholly” non-profit will own 0.01% of the public housing properties and 99.99% will be owned by private developers. This is clearly not public housing anymore.

Page 20. 9.2  MPHA states: Return from Off Sites Moves After Construction.

This is another MPHA lie.  Residents will be out of the leases. MPHA will not be enforced to bring anyone back.  MPHA will use “to the extent feasible” phrase in court if residents try to sue under fair housing.  If residents sign this document, they are going to be homeless. As Ed Goetz, Center for Urban & Regional Affairs ( CURA), University of Minnesota stated 1 out of 5 residents may come back;  As DG&PHC stated no one will come back to Elliot Twins, and MPHA is lying.  MPHA has not shared this document  with any of the residents as of now.  It leaked. But their plan is for everyone to sign at the end of the document even though there is no translation for any languages. It is very clear this document will cause residents to lose their homes for good because residents are not signing a guaranteed right to return,  but they are signing an eviction plan.

Page 21: MPHA explains that they will hold open houses for tenants to view renovated units. They then declare that “Each tenant shall notify the MPHA within three (3) business days of the date of the last open house that he/she (1) elects to return to Project Site (and any preference for units) or (2) does not elect to return to Project Site.” This is very important because if residents miss this 3-day window, they will not be able to move back to Elliot Twins. Also, residents may not have an address because they will be homeless or “ staying with friends who can’t have them on their leases.  Three days is not a long time and a resident could easily miss that window especially the majority who do not speak English. It is also not clear how they have to notify MPHA or have MPHA will notify them. If they are lucky to notify MPHA that they want to return, MPHA will offer them a unit, but the relocation document states that “Each tenant offered a unit at Project Site shall notify the MPHA, within one (1) business days of receipt of the offer.” This means residents only have one day to decide if the replacement unit will work for them. It leaves no time process and documentation. This does not even happen in the private rental market.  A tenant could easily miss this deadline and miss out on their chance to return to Elliot Twins. This section is just to create more barriers for the residents of Elliot Twins do not come back.

Page 23: MPHA states that until Project Site renovation is completed, MPHA conducts information meetings,,,,, to update residents.  The MPHA shall also provide all project site tenants with newsletters or other written information containing any significant updates in the relocation or construction process.” The fact that this document was not distributed to all residents at Elliot already shows that this is a lie. And, again there MPHA contradicts.  Residents will not have a permanent address to mail any notices. Residents will be couch-hopping or staying with families. MPHA is assuming here that they will relocate all of these residents to other public housing buildings as a guarantee and they will keep track of where they will move to. But this is a lie because MPHA stated they said to the extent feasible MPHA will help them find housing while there is major housing crisis and homelessness of Black and Brown people and low income in Minneapolis is an all-time high.

III.  Conclusion:

MPHA is proceeding with its plan to privatize Elliot Twins through RAD  despite the fact that residents never approved of RAD. The draft relocation plan is a plan to evict residents who do not want to – and in many cases are physically unable to – move out of their homes. MPHA is forcing tenants to move out and providing no legally enforceable guarantee that they will find suitable replacement housing, or that they will be able to return to Elliot Twins after renovations. MPHA is making these eviction plans without having an actual construction plan or financing lined up for renovations. Their priority is evicting tenants.

The seven eviction options MPHA is offering are all problematic and are pushing vulnerable residents into homelessness. They are not real options because they either rely on other public housing that is not available and may be subject to future privatization, rely on residents to find their own housing with family or friends which is unrealistic and places a burden on low-income households, or they rely on the deeply flawed Section 8 Voucher program which is unavailable in resident’s ’ community and which is unstable. In addition, these eviction plans are dense, confusing, and could result in residents losing their chance to return to their building based on a technicality, such as missing a three-day window to notify MPHA of their desire to return.  MPHA’s continues use of the phrase “ to the extent feasible” is not a guaranteed right to return. In addition, Mary Boler MPHA’s official is lying to residents in the video. She is telling residents that they will not have to move out of Elliot Twins while RAD privatization is going,  and clearly, MPHA not guaranteeing this in their plan.

We need a Congressional investigation into MPHA’s activities and lies surrounding RAD privatization of Elliot Twins and the risk that RAD is posing to residents’ ability to have safe and affordable housing. These plans will put hundreds of low-income, elderly and/or disabled residents at risk of homelessness in a city that is already experiencing a homelessness crisis. HUD is currently controlled by Donald Trump and Ben Carson, and we cannot rely on them to enforce resident protections or oversee MPHA’s privatization and eviction plans. We need our elected officials to step up and say NO RAD, NO  to privatization and NO to forced evictions!

For a PDF copy of this report please follow this link:


Tell Our Elected Official to Stop MPHA and City’s Plans to Privatize Elliot Twins and Displacing Residents Using Trump’s RAD Program

Last week, some residents at Elliot Twins public housing apartments received a timeline from the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA), which shows how MPHA is rushing to push residents out of the buildings in order to privatize them via the RAD program. (View this timeline on the following page.) Starting in January 2020, residents will be given just 90-day notice which they will have to move out be displaced from their homes. Displacement will begin in March 2020. MPHA plans to displace residents out of Elliot Twins before they have even completed pre-construction planning or obtained the necessary permits and financing to complete their RAD conversion. MPHA also stated that they would not be honoring an earlier promise that residents would be able to move back into their homes following construction. MPHA is rushing to empty the buildings then later work on competing for tax credits and put together their financial plans so the buildings could stay empty for months or years while there is a 7year wait list.  As long as the residents are displaced and the buildings are empty, MPHA is in great shape for conversion because there is no monitoring or enforcement.

MPHA’s behavior is typical of RAD conversions around the country. RAD is a federal program, administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), that hands public housing buildings over to private owners. It began as a small pilot program aimed at housing agencies that couldn’t maintain their dilapidated properties, but in reality, it’s been used as a way to benefit private developers and accelerate gentrification by forcing low-income tenants out of their homes.

Trump’s HUD Secretary, Ben Carson, has greatly expanded the RAD program while at the same time cutting the staff who oversee it. This means housing authorities who are privatizing their properties are basically unaccountable, and residents have no recourse for complaints.  As a result, public housing residents around the country have been displaced despite RAD’s supposed “tenant protections.” Residents have also been denied vouchers, been subjected to deplorable “temporary” housing during RAD conversions, and have been forced to sign documents waiving their right to return to their homes.  While Trump and Carson are pushing RAD plans, Democratic Mayor Jacob Frey of Minneapolis, City Council President Lisa Bender, Council Member Cam Gordon who chairs the Housing Policy & Development Committee are also endorsing the Trump and Carson agenda. On December of 2018, this progressive democratic controlled City Hall passed a resolution authored by Council Member Abdi Warsame and Andrea Jenkins that approved RAD conversations throughout Minneapolis. Then, Mayor Frey and Council Member Lisa Bender sent a letter to Ben Carson’s HUD asking to approve Section 18 Disposition & Demolition which will dismantle and privatize over 730 single family homes that are public housing.  DG&PHC also did a previous call to action to stop Section 18 Disposition & Demolition. MPHA and City Hall all taking advantage of how Trump & Carson are destroying HUD when they can easily keep public housing public.    

There is no justification for the City of Minneapolis and MPHA to use RAD which is a dangerous program. MPHA’s properties are in excellent shape – HUD rates Elliot Twins’ physical condition as 95/100 with great community rooms that have cable and wifi. MPHA’s financial situation is also strong. It’s capital funding from HUD has increased in recent years, and it has $23 million in savings that it could spend on building maintenance or new public housing. There are also public sources of money from the city and the state that MPHA could lobby for if it cared about keeping public housing public. Mayor Frey, City Council of Minneapolis and MPHA have demonstrated that they are not interested in providing homes for Minneapolis’ poorest and most vulnerable residents. Though MPHA claims that Elliot Twins will remain affordable after RAD conversion, executive Director Greg Russ has publicly stated his desire to target people who make 50%, 60%, 80%, and even 120% of the area median income (AMI) to live in the newly privatized buildings. 120% of AMI is an income of over $113,000/year for a family of four. That’s much higher than the average household income in Minneapolis public housing of $14,841/year.  Public housing residents make less than 30% of AMI. RAD jeopardizes residents’ ability to stay in or return to the homes they’ve lived in for years and decades.

Our elected officials have the power to stop Mayor Frey’s administration and MPHA from dismantling public housing.  They need to listen to the public and to public housing residents, who are mostly Black, Black Muslims (East African), refugees, seniors, and people with disabilities, who have said no to RAD and who don’t want to be displaced from their homes and communities. Contact the officials below and tell them to KEEP PUBLIC HOUSING PUBLIC!


Sample Script

Dear ___,

My name is ___ and I am a resident of ___. I am contacting you because I am seriously concerned about the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority’s plan to privatize Elliot Twins apartments and displace residents using the RAD program. RAD is a troubled program that is not being properly managed or overseen by Ben Carson’s HUD. It threatens the safety and security of vulnerable residents of Elliot Twins residents who are Majority Black, Black Muslims immigrants (East African), refugees, seniors and people with disabilities. There is no justification for Mayor Frey’s administration and MPHA to pursue RAD privatization given that Elliot Twins are in excellent shape and MPHA can afford to maintain them with public funding. The only benefit will be to private developers at the expense of low-income people and families. Please listen to your constituency and say no to RAD at Elliot Twins.



Contact Info for Elected Officials